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How to Optimize Zoom for the Best Class Experience

Zoom runs best with a FAST internet connection. Your wifi connection/speed may vary from place to place in your house depending on your home setup. Generally speaking, the closer you are to your home router, the better.
Test your internet speed WHERE you will be using Zoom.
Use the device you will be using for class.
Open your internet browser and go to
Hit GO and wait for the results to show your upload and download speed.
Zoom should run OK if your up/down speed is at least 3mbps. If you want better resolution, a higher speed would be needed. And if you are right around the 3-5mbps, you should be fine as long as no one else in your house is using an internet heavy application.
My home internet typically runs around 250mbps up/down and I have zero problems even if my kids have school meetings at the same time.
But your meeting quality is NOT just about Internet speed! The processor speed of the device you are using (laptop, ipad, phone etc...) will make a big difference in how well your class runs. If you're having trouble and you know its NOT your internet, make sure you have closed out of other programs and apps that may be running on your device to free up the processor.
If you want to connect your laptop to your TV, an HDMI cable will provide the BEST results. You can also screencast or screenmirror your device onto the larger screen of your TV using the directions below.
Are you using your Iphone or Ipad for our Zoom Live Class? Here's some directions for displaying your device screen on your larger TV...
IOS users - click here for Apple AIrplay Screen Mirroring Directions
NOTE- Airplay needs to be enabled on your TV first.
Android users - click here for Google Chromecast Directions
Your TV may have additional directions. Google your TV make/model and mirroring for more advice.
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